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RHEWUM MDS: Compact screening machine for metal powders

For the separation by particle size RHEWUM offers extremely precise screening machines that enable to produce finest metal powder (e.g. aluminum, magnesium, iron etc.) with a high quality or to process it for reutilization and separate agglomerates or dust.

In order to achieve the desired quality of the metal powder, all impurities, undersized particles and dust need to be removed. Because both the large agglomerates and the fine dust are sieved, there remains a very pure metallic powder that can be processed immediately.

Metal powder is not easy to sieve because it is a very abrasive product, and to achieve the desired quality of the metal powder, all impurities, substandard particles and dust must be removed and agglomerates must be loosened. The Rhewum MDS machines sieve powdered metals (with a particle size starting at 40μm) very accurately and achieve a purity of more than 99 percent.

  • HighFrequency Unbalance motors (>25Hertz) screen and transport the powdered metal linearly over the horizontal sieve
  • Due to the high frequency and low amplitude, the particles make a large number of micro-jumps and are thus already or not led through the meshes of screen
  • The MDS sieves are modular, making it possible to stack multiple rectangular sieve decks. For example, a large sieve surface is found on a small floor
  • Wear-resistant biconical bouncing balls keep the sieve mesh free during sieving